Add an Existing Candidate to a Candidate List

To add a candidate to a candidate list, you must first search to see if the candidate exists in the database.

  1. Open the desired candidate list by clicking the View button.
  2. Click the Add Candidate button. The Add candidate to candidate listing page appears. Add candidate to candidate listingAdd candidate to candidate listing

    Add candidate to candidate listing. Search for existing candidate.

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All four fields are required.

  1. Enter the candidate's first name in the First name field.

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You must type in the exact First name and Last name or the search will not locate the candidate. Partial matches are not located in the search.

  1. Enter the candidate's last name in the Last name field.
  2. Enter the candidate's zip code in the Postcode field.
  3. Enter the candidate's Date of birth by selecting the Day, Month, and Year from the drop-down lists.
  4. Click Search. Only candidates with a match to all four fields are returned in the search results.

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  1. If you do not enter criteria in all four fields, an error displays at the top of the screen and the missing fields are highlighted in red. Enter the missing search criteria and click Search again.

    Errors in searching for candidate. Fix the errors and submit the form.

  1. If no candidates match the search criteria, a message states no candidates were found. No candidates found that match your search criteria.No candidates found that match your search criteria.

    No candidates found that match your search criteria.

  1. If one or more candidates match all four search criteria, all candidates are listed in the table below the search fields. More than one candidate found in search.More than one candidate found in search.

    More than one candidate found in search. Select desired candidate.

  1. Click Add to candidate list if your candidate is returned in the search results. Candidate search with multiple candidates found.Candidate search with multiple candidates found.

    Click Add to candidate list for desired candidate.

The candidate is added to the candidate list. Candidate list page with candidate added.Candidate list page with candidate added. When multiple candidates are added to the candidate list, the candidates are listed in ascending order by Candidate ID. The exam column is blank because the candidate has not been registered for any exams on this candidate list.

Candidate added to candidate list.



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