View Exam Details

You may view the exam details for any exam for which a candidate has registered. If the exam is in a scheduled state and the client rules allow for it, you may cancel or reschedule an exam.

  1. Locate the desired candidate list and click the View button.
  2. Locate the desired candidate on the candidate list and click the View exams button.

The exams are listed in descending order by exam appointment date. The exam date, name of the exam, selected test center, and current status of the exam are listed. If a new candidate has just been created the candidate Exams page is empty. The various exam statuses include scheduled, delivery successful, delivery failed, no show, cancelled or unknown. Candidate profileCandidate profile

New candidate empty exams list

New candidate - empty exams list.

Candidate profile with exam registrations

Candidate profile with exam registrations.

  1. Locate the desired exam and click the View button.


The exam details page consists of three separate sections:

  1. Registration details - lists the registration ID, order number, and exam status
  2. Exam details - lists the exam name, language, and any modules
  3. Location and time details - lists the test center, exam date, and exam start time

If an exam is in a state where it can be rescheduled or cancelled, the Reschedule exam and Cancel exam buttons appear at the top of the page. Reschedule or Cancel examsReschedule or Cancel exams

Exam details - reschedule or cancel exams.

If an exam is in any other state, the exam details page includes two messages at the top of the page listing why the exam cannot be rescheduled and why the exam cannot be cancelled.

  1. Client policy prevents rescheduling or cancelling the exam registration. Client policy prevents rescheduling or cancelling exam registrationClient policy prevents rescheduling or cancelling exam registration For instance, you may not be able to reschedule or cancel an exam within 24 hours of the exam delivery date.

    Cannot reshcedule or cancel exam registration within 24 hours of the exam delivery date.

  2. Registration is not in a state that can be rescheduled or cancelled. Delivery successful, Delivery failed, No show or unknown. The registration is not in a state that can be resceduled or cancelled.The registration is not in a state that can be resceduled or cancelled.

    The registration is not in a state that can be resceduled or cancelled.

  3. Item cannot be rescheduled or cancelled because it has been previously cancelled. Cancelled exam. Registration cannot be rescheduled or cancelled because it has already been cancelledRegistration cannot be rescheduled or cancelled because it has already been cancelled

    Registration cannot be rescheduled or cancelled because it has already been cancelled.



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