Create New Proctor

To administer Anywhere Proctored exams, a proctor account must be added to the Proctor Management system. The proctor account consists of the First name, Last name, Email, and Username. Any of the other fields are optional for the proctor account. Once the account has been created, a unique ID is assigned to the proctor account.

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Only Proctor Management Client admin proctor users, User Management Client administrators, VUE Administrators, and VUE Super Users can create new proctor accounts.

Create a new proctor user account

You may create a new proctor user account that is not currently a Navigator user. Creating a new proctor user account automatically creates the Navigator user account at the same time. The process for making an existing Navigator user a proctor is slightly different. See the Make an existing user a proctor topic below.

  1. Click the Create proctor button in the upper right-hand corner of the Search proctors page.

The Create a new proctor screen opens. Create new proctorCreate new proctor

Create new proctor

  1. Enter a Username for the Proctor and click Next.
  1. If the Username is available, the expanded Create a new proctor page is displayed and the Username field is filled in. Create new proctorCreate new proctor

    Create new proctor

  2. If the Username is already taken within the list of Navigator users that your client profile has access to, a message states an existing user was found. You may make the user a proctor or create a new proctor. Create new proctor from an existing user.Create new proctor from an existing user.

    Create new proctor from an existing user.

  3. If the Username is already taken within all Navigator users that you do not have access to or if the user is already a proctor, the expanded Create a new proctor page is displayed and all the fields are blank. A message states the username is not available, please create a new proctor. Username is not available, please create a new proctor.Username is not available, please create a new proctor.

    Username is not available, please create a new proctor.

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The Username must adhere to the following characteristics:

  1. Must be unique within all the Pearson VUE Navigator users
  2. Minimum of 1 character
  3. Maximum of 50 characters
  4. Cannot contain spaces
  5. They are not case sensitive
  6. Only the following special characters are allowed in usernames (@, _, .,  -, +)
  7. The 20th digit of the user name cannot contain a special character. (for example, a period "." in an email address)

As a best practice, you should come up with a naming practice that will ensure your usernames will not be a naming structure other clients may use. For instance, you could use email address as the Username since everyone will have a unique email address. Another possibility is first 4 letters of the user's last name + first 2 letters of the user's first name + company name (e.g., Dan Johnson at My Company would be johndamyco).

  1. Enter the First name, and Last name for the new user.

Middle name is optional.

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The First and Last name fields must be minimum of 1 character and a max of 64 characters.

  1. Enter an Email for the new user.

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The Email address must adhere to the following characteristics:

  1. Maximum of 250 characters
  2. Cannot contain spaces
  3. They are not case sensitive
  4. Only the following special characters are allowed in email addresses (@, _, -, +)
  1. Re-enter the email address for the new user.

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You cannot copy and paste into the re-enter email address field.

If your email addresses do not match, a message states they do not match. This message appears after you navigate away from the re-enter email field. Email addresses do not match message.Email addresses do not match message.

Email addresses do not match message.

If you change the Email field, the Re-enter email field is cleared out and you must re-enter the email address.

  1. If the Username field is blank, enter a Username and click Check.

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If the Username is available, a message states the username is available. Username is availableUsername is available

Username is available

If the Username is already taken within ALL Navigator users, a message states the username is already in use. Please enter a different username. Username already existsUsername already exists

Username already exists message.

  1. Enter a Phone number for the new proctor (optional).

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The Phone number can be a max of 20 characters. You may enter the phone number using dashes, periods or spaces. The phone number is an optional field.

Enter proctor address

Address fields are optional for proctor accounts; but if you choose to add any address fields to the proctor account, you must add all the required address fields.

  1. Click Add address.

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When you create a new proctor account, you are not required to provide the address information. If you choose to provide an address for the proctor, you must supply all of the mandatory address fields before saving the new proctor account.

  1. Enter the following required address fields: Address 1, Country, City, State, and Postcode. Create new proctor addressCreate new proctor address

    Create new proctor address information.

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The mandatory fields will change depending upon the Country selected when entering address information to a proctor account.

If you do not know all of the required address fields when you first create the proctor account, you will be unable to save the new proctor account to the system. You can click Remove address and add the address information at a later time. When you select Remove address, all the address fields are cleared and you are returned to the basic Create new proctor page.

Cancel new proctor account creation

  1. At any time prior to saving the new proctor account, you may click the Cancel button at the bottom of the Create a new proctor page.

You are returned to the list of current proctors for the client.

Save the new proctor account

  1. Click Create.

If any of the required fields are not completed, an error message is displayed at the top of the screen and all required fields will be highlighted in red to indicate they must be completed prior to saving the proctor account.

Upon successful proctor account creation, a message states that a new proctor was successfully created and you are able to add exam authorizations. Proctor createdProctor created

Proctor created.

The proctor is automatically assigned the Proctoring role and given permission to use the Proctoring application.

The system generates an email and sends it to the new Navigator proctor user. The user must use the link in the email to log in to Navigator within 7 days of receiving the email. The user must configure their security questions and set their password.

  1. You are now ready to Add Authorizations or to close the proctor profile by clicking the Proctor list Return to Proctor list button button.

Make an existing user a proctor

Users that have already been set up in the User Management application may be assigned the proctor permission using the Proctor Management application.

  1. Click the Create proctor button in the upper right-hand corner of the Search proctors page.

The Create a new proctor screen opens. Create new proctorCreate new proctor

Ctreate new proctor page.

  1. Enter the Username for the existing user that you wish to make a Proctor user and click Next.

The Create a new proctor page appears with the existing user information filled in. A message states an existing user was found. You may make the user a proctor or create a new proctor. Create new proctor from existing userCreate new proctor from existing user

Create new proctor from existing user.

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If the username entered is not a valid user, you will be directed to the Create proctor page with only the Username filled in.

  1. Click Create Proctor.

A message states the new proctor user has been created and you can now add authorizations. New proctor user createdNew proctor user created Follow the instructions in the Add Exam Authorizations topic for detail on adding authorizations.

New proctor user created.

The existing user is automatically assigned the Proctoring role and given permission to use the Proctoring application.



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