View Proctor Account

Once a proctor account has been created, the account is added to the list of proctors. You must open the proctor account to view the proctor demographic information (name, username, email, address, etc.) and the list of authorizations assigned to the proctor.

View a proctor account

  1. Search for the desired proctor account you wish to view. See Search Proctor Accounts.
  2. Click the View View proctor button button.

The Proctor Exam authorizations and Personal account page is displayed. Proctor profile pageProctor profile page

Proctor profile page

Disable a proctor account

Admin users have the ability to disable a proctor account to prevent the user from proctoring/unlocking exams. User accounts in all statuses (Pending, Locked, Reset, and Active) may be disabled.

  1. View the desired proctor account.
  2. Click the Active drop-down menu Active drop-down menu button and select Disable account from the menu. Disable proctor accountDisable proctor account

    Disable proctor account menu.

A message states the user account was successfully disabled. User account disabledUser account disabled If the proctor account has other Navigator roles assigned, additional messaging directs you to the User Management application.

Proctor account has been disabled.

Proctor account disabled but still has access to other Navigator applications.

Enable a proctor account

  1. Show only disabled proctor accounts.
  2. Locate the desired proctor account in the list.
  3. View the proctor account.
  4. Click the Disabled drop-down menu Disabled button button and select Enable account from the menu. Enable proctor accountEnable proctor account

    Enable proctor accout menu

A message states the user account was successfully enabled. Proctor account enabledProctor account enabled The user account is removed from the list of disabled user accounts and returned to the previous state it was in before it was disabled. This could be Pending, Locked, Reset, or Active. The Client Admin must verify if additional action is required for the user account to be enabled, e.g., an account in a pending state will likely require the admin to reset the account before the user can complete the account setup and log on to Navigator.

Proctor account has been enabled



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